Wednesday, April 24, 2013

30 Weeks Pregnant - What a Rollercoaster

My belly has definitely grown a little this week. Bump pic at 30 Weeks pregnant...

I am actually wearing a maternity top today for a change. It wasn't out of necessity but rather that I wanted to actually wear some of the maternity stuff I bought before this is all over. Bit long in the front compared to the back so I guess I still don't have enough to fill it. Plenty of time and room for growth so!

This week has been like a Katy Perry song - 'Cause you're hot then you're cold You're yes then you're no You're in then you're out You're up then you're down :)

My week has gone something like this: 
Monday: Calm, resigned, accepting
Tuesday: Relaxed
Wednesday: Feeling like myself finally
Thursday: Nervous, worried
Friday: Panicked
Saturday: from chilled to concerned
Sunday: from happy to anxiety to nightmares
Monday: Back to semi-normal
Tuesday: Nervous again

Oh the joy. I have to laugh, I'm all over the place. 

Bump/Weight Freaked out a few times over bump size this week. I know people are sometimes small but when you have had a growth restricted baby before and two normal size bumps previously it's of little consolation. My weight went up by a pound over the past 2 weeks, which is the most I have put on in 5 weeks - happy about that. I had some round ligament pain the other day and was very hungry and woke to a bigger bump the next day :)

Scans I had one on Wednesday and one on Thursday last week. I also had one on Monday and again today. When we went to the hospital on Thursday the doctor thought amniotic fluid looked low based on the bump being small. She performed a little ultrasound and said that there was more fluid in there that there looks to be. Although she had no immediate concerns she wasn't happy to wait a week to look again and said that based on what she saw I needed to be monitored very closely at this stage and would see me twice weekly. I left feeling a little relived but also concerned about how small the bump is. I was also a little puffy that day so they decided to take more blood to check for pre-eclampsia. The scan today showed a happy baby who is growing well. Happy baby, happy mama!

Baba's profile...

Panic I started seeing blotches on Thursday afternoon. Blood pressure was normal so that night I rang A&E to make sure blood work from earlier that day was clear - it was.

Skin So dry 
Hair Nightmare

Nails Bye, bye long and strong, hello crumbly and dry. I believe I have third trimester progesterone to thank for this. Will go smear on some Sally Hansen Vitamin E Oil right away.

Happy Birthday to Eve In other news Eve will be 2 on Thursday, I can't believe it! We had a little family get-together to celebrate yesterday and we'll have her to ourselves on Thursday. I think I will make some Rice Crispie buns with her.

Some Eve snaps...

We picked up Eve's dress and cardi in H&M. Love H&M baby clothes! Her shoes were cheap and cheerful, €7 from Penneys. She has a lovely pair of red converse, which she likes herself but these are great as they have an elasticated inner.

So since everything went well at growth scan this morning I feel relaxed and calm again. Wonder how long it will last this time. Friday is my next hurdle - 30+4 weeks was when symptoms showed last time. Feeling positive. Onwards and upwards as they say!

Must go, I'm being summonsed to go get 'Naisies' which are raisins apparently :) "naisies, wore-dar-you" is the Eve's favourite sentence lately. She also points at the bump and says - aww, baba hee hee, which I translate to mean 'baby in here'. She loves helping me apply bump lotion too. Very cute. I had a big proud Mama moment this morning when Eve pointed at an 'R' on her daddy's t-shirt and named it before making the sound 'rrr'. I can't take credit for it though - it's thanks to a phoenetics game on the ipad :)

Have a great day. Hope everyone is well.

Amy x

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

29 Weeks Pregnant

Bump has grown a little this week...I think!

Bump at 29 weeks pregnant...

Check out the mirror smears - when I hold Eve on front of the mirror she likes to rub her hands over her reflections face!

Heartburn Sweet lamb of divine it BURNS!!!! The worst offender for me? Apples. You're having a laugh! Chocolate is a close second but they I would deserve that. I keep telling myself that Orange Rennies taste like Refresher sweets. Big fat lie.

Bump App According to my Baby Bump App the baby is now opening and closing his/her eyes, breathing amniotic fluid and losing all the white fluffy stuff he/she has been covered with til now. I love reading about the baby's development. I don't really get the chance to read the daily app updates - they're probably all to familiar having gone through two pregnancies so recently. But I do enjoy the updates at the beginning of each week. 

Weight/Bump size Last time I mentioned the bump was measuring small and I hadn't put weight on in 4 weeks. When I ran this by the consultant last week she checked the on the ultrasound and said that there is very little fat between my uterus and my skin. I suppose that is a good thing huh! Well once baby is growing I don't care! Anxiety and a toddler are apparently keeping me slim, despite all the French Fancies :) For now, at least!

Scans Another one tomorrow. I am definitely bigger this week so I'm not worried.

Swelling Fat feet, legs and hands at night. Just put me in a boiler suit!

New hair Nothing like a few lowlights and a trim to perk up a lady. I also had a lovely Image Oxygen Facial this morning. I feel brand new.

Boobs Oh Sweet Jesus I've lost track of how many cup sizes I have gone up. I'm about half way down the alphabet in double letters at this stage. Thank you third trimester. I have abandoned all the icky maternity bra's that I have spent a fortune on over the past few months and opted for those fitted, racer-back, wireless cami tops. They offer amazing support and most importantly they look normal under clothes.

Sanity I feel better knowing that the steroid injections are in. It's a load of my mind, at least if pre-eclampsia shows early again the doctors don't have to wait if they need to intervene.

How is everyone?

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Baby Grew!!

Oh my God the relief! Safe for another week. I'm 28+3 weeks today. Huge thanks to all of you who kept us in your thoughts or prayers today. They worked!

Fetal Diagnostic Scan Baby has grown! I don't know my how much but enough that he/she is back in the safe range. I barely slept last night and woke at 5.30am with worry. I don't think I exhaled until I lay on that table and the consultant said baba was ok. I can't stop smiling. Of course this is still a tentative time - my pre-eclampsia symptoms started at 29/30 weeks last time and are expected again this time round. I feel so positive right now that I don't believe anything bad could happen. Baby's estimated weight is now 2 pounds 9 ounces.

If you can make this pic out you are a better woman that I. The consultant pointed out that this looked like the baby was kissing the placenta...

Yep, wavy black lines. 

Steroid Injection It was recommended that I have my first steroid injection today and second tomorrow. This will help mature the baby's lungs in case he/she needs to make an early appearance. It's a relief to have this in. On my last pregnancy I had the injections as an in-patient but then no heartbeat the following morning. Having the expected hot flushes from it as we speak. I look like I have sunburn - that's probably the most colour I'll get this year :) Maybe I should throw on a bikini and imagine myself in the Seychelles!

Cramps Yesterday and today I had period-like cramps, which were worrying considering my history but they must have been stretching pains. Although they feel different. The consultant did an internal exam to check my cervix and all was fine. Nothing to worry about.

Gestational Diabetes Test No news is good news. I didn't get a call today so my insulin levels are normal.  I really feel for those of you who have to watch what you eat when pregnant. It's probably the hardest time to stick to a diabetic diet!

Spent the rest of the day enjoying my big baba at home...

I need my highlights done asap! Eve will be 2 later this month - how is that possible?? Where did the last two years go?! Must get to planning.

In other news I love Mr Kipling French Fancies (or equally the Aldi alternative for half the price!) but I would like to start a Pink-Fancy-Only campaign. It's sad to buy a box and bin the brown and yellow but seriously, ick! Is it just me?

Drool... It has to be pregnancy hormones because I usually hate theses. Off to have one with a cuppa!

I'm almost afraid to think it but what if everything else goes smoothly? It certainly feels possible today. Man I wish I could bottle this feeling of relief. 

*Happy dance*

Thank you all very much. I'm a lucky woman to have you lot to rant to!

How is everyone else? All calm or any drama?

Amy x

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Measuring Small - 28 Weeks Pregnant

Hi all,

A little part of me can't believe I've made it this far. The last few weeks has been turbulent to say the least and it looks like there may be more to come.

Bump at 28 weeks pregnant

Bump Very little, if any, change in bump size for the past 4 weeks.

Scans The consultant told me I was measuring small - I had figured that out having looked around the Glucose testing waiting room where everyone was 28 weeks. He also wasn't happy about baby's abdominal circumference but was reassured that there had been at least some growth between that scan and the previous. He did an ultrasound but the important one is in the Fetal Diagnostic Clinic tomorrow. Nervous. Nervous. Nervous.

Glucose Tolerance Testing Fasting from the night before - boo hoo. Multiple blood tests - good look finding a vein even for the first one. The lucozade they make you drink - bleuch!! I'm not concerned about gestational diabetes. It's just a formality because of PCOS. In fact, I left the clinic and had a big slice of carrot cake :) After a many failed attempts to get any blood from my veins and going into the same veins twice I deserved it!

Maternity clothes I'm so small this time that there is no need. I took down my maternity clothes last week and tried them on but they're all too big. If this bump doesn't get bigger there will be no need for them at all. Fingers crossed there is some growth soon.

Appetite/Weight My appetite is normal and I'm eating well. I'm addicted to crisp red grapes, Pink Lady apples and the pink French Fancies. No cravings though. Weight has stayed the same for the 4th week in a row despite eating what I want. Not good.

All in all things aren't looking great are they?! At least baby is moving well and I'm 28 weeks so if I need to be delivered soon it's not the end of the world. I'm hoping that the scan shows some growth has occurred tomorrow. Otherwise I fear I may not be pregnant for very much longer!

I hope all of you pregnant ladies are relaxed and getting spoiled whilst raiding the fridge!

My fingers and toes are crossed.

Amy x

Saturday, April 6, 2013

27 Weeks Pregnant - Things are starting to happen!

Hi everyone,

When I found out I was pregnant I thought to myself - if you get to 26 weeks that will be great, if I get to 28 weeks that will brilliant and every day after that will be a bonus. Well at 27 weeks I'm starting to panic a little. More on that later. First, this weeks bump picture (taken at 27+4 weeks).

Bump at 27 weeks pregnant

Bump size - Not too much of a change over the past 4 weeks.

Weight - I haven't put on any weight in 3 weeks. I'm eating well and regularly and I'm not exercising. I'm putting it down to small baby and anxiety.

Scan concerns - I went to see a consultant on Thursday who specialises in fetal well-being/diagnostics. She wasn't happy with the baby's abdominal circumference measurements from my 26 week scan. I knew to be concerned last week so I wasn't surprised by her reaction. It was at this gestation that Olivia's growth restriction started. I may be headed that way again. I'm in for a trip to Fetal Diagnostics on Thursday after my own consultant visit on Wednesday. Although I'm trying to stay positive this is what they have been preparing me for from the start.

Movement Last week I had my first freak-out about my baby's movement. Obviously on previous pregnancies feeling movement was just a source of delight. This time round it's different. I feel so much responsibility. Considering I felt movement decrease last time round until the worst happened, right now I don't trust my own judgment.

Anxiety I was unbelievably nervous before seeing the consultant on Thursday. It was one week of raw panic. After I left I felt a little resigned. If this is going to happen there is nothing I can do.

Crochet I'm making a baby blanket and have finished a few baby hats in a premature size. It makes me feel like I'm actually doing something. I'm trying to choose gender neutral colours.

 I made these little ones for a friend of my mums who had a premature baby girl, they're so tiny!

Swelling/Bp - I've been keeping swollen ankles at bay by drinking nettle tea. It does wonders. Meanwhile my blood pressure is checked every day and remains low. Thankfully! It didn't go up until 30 weeks last time round.

Baby room I did wash the cardigans my Nannie and mother-in-law in Fairy and put them on the shelf.  Other then that I haven't bought anything else. My husband and I decided to wait until we get to take a baby home before we even take the moses basket out of the attic. I'm sure this is normal among those who have experienced a loss?

My heart is in my mouth! Fingers crossed everything works out.

Amy x