Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Happy News!!!

I am delighted to introduce you to baba number three :)


This is baby at 18 weeks. I am now 22+2 weeks and due on July 1st. We couldn't be more thrilled!! This is a thoroughly nerve wrecking time having lost Olivia so recently but I'm trying to stay positive and enjoy the ride. My initial feeling was to keep this pregnancy private but I have had a change of heart.

This blog won't be for everyone, it certainly won't appeal to most of my beauty blog readers but I will post about my pregnancy weekly just as I did on my last pregnancy. I will also update with things that are on my mind, products I'm buying, dealing with loss, being high-risk, trying to conceive, pcos issues but also document what it's like to move forward with a new pregnancy having experienced a loss. I am hopeful and excited. But the truth is that I'm also terrified.

I have blogged each week of pregnancy so far with bump pics but I kept it set to private while I decided if this log was for me or to share. I'm really happy to be able to share this. I will post my pics and posts so far in the next few days.

I would love to hear how you're getting on - with your pregnancies, trying to conceive, with the kiddies you have or if you have experienced a loss, whatever it is I hope you can feel you can share.

Onwards and upwards in 2013!

With much love,

Amy x